Light and Shadow
It is a play with light and shadow - with the visible and the invisible. Symbolic of the eight lights of the Hanukkah candelabra, eight backlit fabric panels characterize the exhibition design. They hang vertically from the ceiling and flow into the horizontal surfaces of the central exhibition platforms. The eight ribbons in the exhibition rooms connect the table, floor and walls and lose themselves at the ceilings into infinity. In the form of white wall surfaces, they become the background for the exhibition exhibits arranged on the walls on wall pedestals. The dark wall surfaces absorb the light. The exhibits are bathed in warm light and appear as individual objects. Each exhibit occupies its own assigned exhibition space within the overarching spatial system. It is a composition of eight ribbons moving through the space that filters and directs the view of the exhibits. What is hidden behind the vertical fabric panels only becomes apparent during the exhibition tour. If the object was present one moment, it vanishes the next. In the process, the visible enters a dialogue with the invisible, and the absence gains significance in the interplay with the presence.
Curators: Mag. Dr. Peter Assmann, Vero Schürr
Location: Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck
Client: Tiroler Landesmuseum
Duration 27.11. until 26.02.2022
Exhibition space ~200m²